Sunday, November 11, 2012

When in Rome...

The guy and the gal feel when they are in Rome they should do as the Romans do and if that means staying up much longer than their usual bedtime, then so be it.

These neighborhood drumming groups are called Llamadas because they call out to each other as they're walking down the streets of the night practicing their drum playing.

The week before tickets had been purchased for a nightclub appearance, so they set off at 10 pm in search of their favorite group.  Turns out the street address printed on the tickets meant nothing; however, a word to the wise was found in a very busy, corner liquor store. The nameless club was finally located just before the witching hour, but the performers and dancers were only now beginning to show up.  Led in as it were by the slower, warm-up music.
 (Double click the YouTube links below for a listen, if you like)

One of the things that makes this group a little different is they have a trumpet player and tonight he is joined by a guitar player.  Normally, on the streets, there would be thirty or forty drummers; but tonight there willl only be four.

There are costumed dancers, though, 
that bring back fond memories to the gal and guy of their New Orleans & Mardi Gras college years.

Finally, on the next day, after midnight the beat begins to pick up and the gathered feet start slamming up and down as fast as the whiskeys and cokes.

And many of those in atttendance are in fact famous singers from the past in search of a groove.


 All the songs were familiar standards, so the crowd joined in with the guest singers and translation became unnecessary for the foreign couple.


 The music was hot, the underground club's dance floor was getting hotter and fans of the fans were flapping like the tail feathers of so many colorful birds in a courtship ritual orgy.


 The YouTube videos are only for listening to and hardly worth trying to watch, so just close your eyes and you'll actually be simulating the club's darkness.


 There were many songs through out the night, but now the new day's dawn has arrived and it's time to put the YouTube videos away and just

  call it a night.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Couldn't get to sleep last night and

I couldn't get to sleep last night and I can't imagine why.

I mean just because everyone was out on the streets and burning cardboard boxes to warm up their drums...
 and all the neighbors were talking to each other...

Hardly seems like reason enough to keep a guy up and unable to sleep; but there you have it, I couldn't nod off so I thought I might as well go down and see what all the flag-waving was about.

What I found out was that everyone was practing for the big competitive event they are going to have on Feb. 14.  It's called Carnival and Sounds like it might be kinda fun.
Here's an instructional piece on drumming
and here's some background on Uruguay's Carnival and its unique drumming.