Believe it or not, there have been requests to see the hat I bought myself.
I actually don't wear it for two reasons:
First, I work hard at not looking like a tourist and they all wear hats.
Second, I want to preserve it and don't want my Monti Christi to become soiled.
So, I hired a clean, PLO model to pose for a photgraph in order for you to see what it looks like.

Anyway, the only thing there are more of than churches

are parades and they usually are held to honor children in one way or another.
One difference here, however, is that the country's soldiers are put to work making the parade happen. Which has got to fall under the category of one of the more harmless things armies do.

In a way, the theme here was Vocational Day and what these tikes were going to grow up to be:
Like Farmers,

Running a riverside laundramat,

(Pig) Food Services,

(Guinea Pig) Food Services,

(Potato Soup) Food Services
(More) Food Services


Garbage men,


because good, free music is always appreciated on parade days.

Build granstands for children's day, not tanks!
It's got kind of a ring to it, don't you think?

Let's clap for the dancers, not the marchers.

Take my word for it, they were dancing up a storm.

Their ancient, pre-Incan warrior chieftan looked on and, who knows,
maybe behind his stony visage he was even smiling at the changes taking place.
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