I'm on my way to a Rodeo here and have stopped on top of a mountain Passs. Allow me to digress.... The regions to the North, Riobamba and Banos-Ambato, are still active volcano areas. Just four days ago, Tungurahua erupted again. That's why Alexander Humbolt called that area the Avenue of the Volcanoes. But, I am headed South towards Loja and Villacabamba which has the Fountain of Youth and is less active, volcanically. When these mountains were all covered with glaciers and they (the glaciers) were moving "Paths" or "Passes" were created and that is what you are seeing here in this photo. The first humans were able to come here from the coastal regions to the East using these passes. Great basins (or Cuencas) of water were formed when the glacial ice melted. Later, earthquakes would open the basin's retaining walls of mountain/hills and the water would escape as valley-carving rivers until only swamps were left. These drained out compeletly and then dried in the sun. When the the migrating humanoids arrived these basins offered ideal settlement locations because of the protective shelter and security they afforded. The city of 400,00 that I now live in, Cuenca, is one such 540 year old settlement.

Anyway, back to the story. I'm on my way to Nabon, a city of 30,000 which means turnip, for the big rodeo which is held in conjuction with the religious celebration of the "Virgen del Rosario".

In the 16th Century, the Spaniards figured out what it was going to take to convert the continent. Nothing short of a mass importation of idols that could and would supplant the natives own less colorful, clay figurines. So, Virgin Marys were shipped out from Spain and Italy on a massive scale to every nook and cranny of South America, Central America and Mexico in order to take the place of the earth Mother Natural Goddesses being worshipped at the time in all those places. Each Canton or regional area took this "gift" from the conquistidors as their very special own Mother God and still worship these figurines to this day, throwing rose petals at them on those special occassions (like rodeos) when the statues are allowed to see daylight.

The brahman bulls, however, are not quite sure what to make of it all though and have even heard rumors that in distant foreign lands it is they (the worthy Bull) that is worshipped instead of being penned up like so much, well, excuse me....but, livestock.

The religious parade is short and sweet, but the bronco and bull riding lasts the afternoon with all the dignitaries turning out from the beauty queens, to the cowboy stars and even the local politicians which are sometimes hard to tell apart from the more important rodeo clowns.

All you have to do is stay on for 8 seconds, but using only one hand to hang on with and if you think that would be easy than all I can say is, "Cowboy Up!" and depending on how long you last, "Cowgirl Down!"

There is always a slight pause after the riding events because someone has to figure out a way to get the bronco or bull off the field, so the next rider can take his chances on the back of an upset animal without anybody or anything being in the way of all the twisting, turning and torquing.

Reality, however, can not be choreographed and it seemed something unexpected was taking place behind the curtain unbeknownst to the bucking stars and clowns on center stage.

While the cowboys were hanging on for their dear lives,

and some clowns were fighting funnily,

while other clowns fled fleetingly
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