Thursday, May 27, 2010

Gullible's Travels

Joella's desktop is so crowded with photos she lost one of her images while entering her last blog, so I am submitting it to you now. These are puyas, a bromeliad type plant and favorite food source of the Oso Andino (spectacled bear) and after the plant's stem and flower whither away it dies. Trust me guys, they're going to miss us when we're gone.

You can get great deals on fruit here. This jewel only cost me a quarter and the little urchin I swindled out of it assured me it was going to grow into a much bigger one.

Here's something you see a lot of...a three generation family of women in their hand-made skirts and white bowlers haggling at the vendor stalls for a better deal and then after they get it, they ask for a little extra or "Yapita".

I asked Jo what these herbs were and she said, "I dunno, I did it for the composition of the shot not because I knew what they were." Maybe I'll ask Bill and Marsha to blow it up and ID them.

I found this shot for Jo; so, of course, it's one of my favorites. You'll have to imagine some of it since you can't see what they're all sitting on, but it's a circular park bench with a single tree growing out of its middle planter box. I'm not saying this is a matriarchal society down here, but you never see any male power centers like this confab. Remember what they used to say in the old western movies, "You can always tell the good ones because they're wearing white hats".

"She's like a rainbow...wearing skirts of many colors everywhere" or something like that???
Rolling Stones, wasn't it?

Rgardless of the hat's direction, which way do you think she's facing? Is there a correct answer?
"No se". That's Spanish for "I don't know" which I've learned to say very convincingly.

The problem which often arises when traveling with a photographer is simply this, "How does a giant make himself small in the land of Lilliputians ?".

It can't be done, son,
gotta run...

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