Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 2 down in the Colca Canyon

We spent three days in this canyon as a warm-up for our trek on the Camino Inca. It took a day to get down to the floor and then a complete sleep. These shots are from Day 2 as we traveled along the bottom of the canyon and went through three small pueblos.

If you're building a house for your young bride, then you better not waste anytime doing it because it will fill up with cactus while you're taking a break. (see pix below)

The only reason it all looks so bleak is because it is. The desert canyons of southern Peru came on the sixth day and God was running out of steam and ideas.

The ancient people who were living here even before the Incas were clever and resilient, so they took it and as my granny used to say, "Made a silk purse outa' a sow's ear."

When we walked past this home's entrance in one of the small towns, we both looked at each other and at the same time said, "How Garveyesque!".

Joella could find a place to go shopping for clothes even in the middle of Bumfuk, Eygpt.
Actually, it was a small museum created by the indigenous people of the town to exhibit their culture.

Canals like this one run down from higher elevations all along the canyon's walls and are responsible for every green thing everywhere.

But, green isn't the only color to eat...The people here live off of hundreds of different kinds of corn and even make their beer from it, but one swig was enough for me, thank you very much

These are the everyday work clothes of the villagers.

If you look way down at the bottom you'll see a pool. That was our next destination and place to sleep for the second night. That zig-zag up on the other side of the canyon is our exit route. In order to make it up and out of the canyon before the sun could starting hitting us we would have to leave at four in the morning, but first there was going to be a dip in the pool. No pictures could ever tell you how badly I wanted to be in that pool down there and out of this oven. Manana.

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