Friday, February 1, 2013

Desfile de Llamadas

For Opening Day (night) of Carnival 2013 one must don a mask and costume, so I did.
The desfile de llamadas is a parade of drummers from rival neighborhoods shouting (calling) out  to one another, "You think you're good? Huh! We think we're better.  Come on out here on the street and let's let the people decide who plays the best and who dances the best."
So, the girls come out in all their best clothes, what little there is,
the boys put on their war-paint and, then, the night of dancing 
to drumming can begin.

Here's a link to my You Tube video of last night:

It's about 10 minutes long, it's not a great movie because it has too many bells and whistles. Which is a direct result of my playing around with all the toolbar selections.  However, despite those shortcomings it will give you a feel for what a Shout Out is really like.